Vermont Gray granite, serpentine top, carved with book panels and emblems representing Masonic and Eastern Star.
Salisbury Pink granite, serpentine top with deep cut lettering and corner carvings. We erected this monument shortly after the death of James Dean in 1955 and have replaced the tablet three times due to vandalism. There are perpetual flowers on this grave along with cigarettes and lipstick from adoring fans.
Vermont Gray granite carved with daisies and epitaph. Obviously, Red Skelton was significant to the Heavenridge family. This is a fine example of how a simple epitaph can personalize a memorial.
Georgia Gray granite, “twin tabs.” Some people call this style a “wing job.” This is a good option when two people want to maintain their independence. The twin tab style looks great with a flower vase or urn in the center.
All polished Jet Black granite with Vermont Gray plinth or sub-base. The Sjoquist memorial has square raised lettering for the family name and the base stones have a drop wash.
As stated about the “Irving” memorial in the Family Memorial section, you will not find a more classic beauty in North American cemeteries. The Whittaker memorial is all steeled Vermont Gray granite with a shape carved acanthus leaf band. It has an apex top and ogee shape on the plinth or sub-base. This memorial also has Strassaker bronze attachments. Although the overwhelming majority of memorials we produce are serpentine top with corner carvings, the Whittaker memorial is Wearly Monuments.